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How to pay Portuguese taxes from abroad

1 July, 2015 Economy

It is now possible to pay your Portuguese taxes from abroad, even if you do not have a Portuguese bank internet banking system.

There are a few requisites for this, for example you can only pay taxes such as IMI (property coucil tax), car tax, etc within the attributed period of time for payment, and this does not apply for taxes overdue or part of law suits known as coercive collection. 

You must give the information below to your bank, so that the bank can inform Finanças that they have done the transfer. This is vital to identify the payment. the information you must provide to the bank is as follows: 

  1. Your fiscal number: 000 000 000
  2. Creditor´s name: Autoridade Tributaria e Aduaneira
  3. Bank account number: 83 69 27 
  4. IBAN nr: PT500 781 00190 000000836927
  5. Name of the Bank: Institudo de Gestão da Tesouraria e do Credito Publico
  7. Your "Referencia para Pagamento" - the reference number in your bill. (this number is diferent fro each payment, it cannot be used for more that one paymnet) 


After you have done the payment you can also send an email yourself to the email address in the contract section of Finanças website related to the tax you are paying (Serviços Tributarios - Contacte-nos/e-balcão - Endereços de Correio Electronico (at the bottom), to confirm that the payment has been made.

Click here to access the instruction manual provided by the Finance department "TA" in Portuguese, English and French. 

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